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This story begins 15.000 million years ago.
We propose a retrospection with evocation and intimate and reflexive recapitulation of the globalized universality, with amplitude and vastness in the transitory virtuality of multiple diversity with the generous commitment of the artificial poetic imagination as invention of the individual protagonist of this story, that has begun 15,000 million years ago. We are stardust, our track is the trace of identity.

We are between the Big Bang and the Big Crunch, expansion and contraction of the great cosmic body that lodges us, projecting us, in a successive superposition of layers, to present. But, in spite of the transversal nature of knowledge and of the hypothesis we created to support our life in a universal context -part and all-, the trans-substantiation of reality impedes that the truth of things can raise before us clearly. Indeed, we needed to feed ourselves voraciously on whatever surrounds us in a bay attempt of calming the fragility of our being and the motivation of our acts, without being aware that the enormous amount of data we handle, synthesis of the human knowledge, are drops that fill our bodies with concept and materiality. We are stardust, our track is the identity trace.

Who owns the human being, its imaginary and the universe that surrounds it?

Just in case:


Through the symbolic representation of the human body, physical and virtual, container of what we are and dream to be, we offer the territory and place of encounter of Creation and Destruction. Man and Woman united by the architecture of knowledge (textual and audio-visual). The VIRTUAL REALITY represents a new opportunity for humanity of re-think on artistic participation. In her we combine cognitive knowledge (development of an intuitive interface) and the virtualitation of the human being (its projection within the screen and new concept of the human being).

We offer the multi-user platform like a tele-shared space where the user will be able to sail and to lodge his virtual body (avatar) like a metaphor of the individual being, encouraged by the knowledge of the other and by the trajectory of the I within these Fundamental Bodies. Users worldwide will be able to participate in the construction of this universal conscience.

A marker with number 6,000,000,000 (approximated Earth inhabitants), will be descending with each incorporation.

The connection to the multi-user Project and to the Platform can be made acceding to our URL:                                                                                  :


1- Net art. Build new PLATAFORM by Virtual Reality (VRML) Inmersive on telesharing space and multiuser.

2- Motion Capture: bodies identity identidades.

3- Texture: Universal Knowlegde.

3- Develpment Specific tools. Art in progress.

4- Avatars, kowledge enviorements to run on off limits space. During the it traveled through will be able to be felt water, land, fire. ..,

reaffirming and placing its individuality inside this universality.

5- Interactive installation. Screening across our bodies by moviement´s sensors and robotic specific software . 


- Montse Arbelo & Joseba Franco, artists, creators and directors of HUMAN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Collaborators and assistants:

- MIDE (International Museum of Electrography). Infrastructure and personal qualified
Asisitant Center´s Coordinator: Sara Malinarich
Director of the Museum and coordinating general: Jose Ramón Alcalá

- CYPRES. Intercultural Centre for Practise, Research and Interdisciplinary Exchanges. Marseille (France). MOCAP (Capture of the movement). Performances in real time (inside the same virtual space) in the specific server that offers animated figures as avatars with technology based on artificial intelligence.

- 3D from Mars. France
Director of company: François Mourre.

- Pascal Silondi. Director of LIBAT (Czech Republic), virtual reality platform programming and design of interfaz.

- Juan Belda Sonorous Productions. Original sonorous band for the project. Madrid. Spain

- José Julio Barrios. Robotic development of navegation tower.