M o n t s e  A r b e l o   -   J o s e b a   F r a n c o


. concept 
. installation
. openings_photos

. lecture_debate
. Centro Párraga 
. Centro Historia Zaragoza
. MAXXI.Roma 
. ChelseaArt Museum NewYork
. NAT. Río de Janeiro
. C.C.A.I. Gijón

. interviews
. making off


NOMADS: EAST _ WEST. Lecture - Debate

MAXXI. Rome. Italy
15th march of 2008

Montse Arbelo and Joseba Franco. Nomads artists

Elena Ross. Curator MAXXI, Montse Arbelo and Joseba Franco. Nomads artists and founders of ART TECH MEDIA

Elena Rossi. Curator of MAXXI and Joseba Franco

NOMADI Presentation at MAXXI, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo