Chelsea Art Museum. New York
Nina Colosi. Curator, New Media and Performing Arts, Chelsea Art Museum,
Montse Arbelo and Joseba Franco
Blanca de la Torre. Curator The Promised Land, Montse and Joseba
Chelsea Art Museum
Till Fellrath. Director of Development, Chelsea Art Museum, Nina Colosi.
Curator, New Media and Performing Arts, Chelsea Art Museum and
Montse Arbelo and Joseba Franco
with Roberto Varela. Consulado de España enat New York
Eduardo Lago. Director Instituto Cervantes at New York, Montse and Joseba
Mikel Urmeneta. Founder dof Kukuxumusu, and Joseba Franco
Yolanda Torrubia, Blanca de la Torre and Montse Arbelo
Joseba, Itziar Barrio. Artist and Blanca de la Torre. Curator
Visit to other Institutions at New York
Barbara London. Director Department NewMEDIA MOMA, Montse Arbelo
and Joseba Franco
Lori Zippay. Directora Electronic Arts Intermix and her colleague Rebecca
Cleman with Montse Arbelo and Joseba Franco
Amanda McDonald Crowley. Director of Eyebeam and Sarah Cook.Curatorial
Fellow at Eyebeam, Giselle Beiguelman. artist and curator, Brazil and
colleague, Montse Arbelo and Joseba Franco
Amanda McDonald Crowley. Director of EYEBEAM and Montse Arbelo
Jillian Mcdonald, Frank Marchese. Pace University, New York with
Montse and Joseba
Laura Baridier. Curator, with Montse and Joseba
Lauren Cornell. Rhizome, New Museum, Amanda McDonald Crowley
and Sarah Cook. EYEBEAM, Joseba and Montse
Montse at New Museum
at United Nations, New York